e-NALLAX, Issue 2, Xmas 2000
The Scheme of Things!!
Interview with Mahatma Gandhi...
Every Picture Tells a Story!
The Musical Box
Pidgeon Cage
See me! Feel me!...
Past Tenses!



"I stand here speechless....

...before a vast audience of -potentially- millions. How ironic? While typing these words I do not yet know if there will be -even one- person to bother see what this virtual glass bottle, swept by huge cyber waves to every direction, keeps within as its message..."

This was my way of commencing my effort to create and publish this e-magazine, 2 months ago, an effort clearly motivated by an evergrowing inner need to be creative in this totally new surrounding of cyberspace, that has lately become the place to be for me. You see, e-NALLAX was not, is not and will never be my way of mental or emotional exhibitionism.

Now that some time has passed by, I must make a confession to you, regarding all that was said in e-NALLAX's enfant edition homepage. I must admit that I was not sincere when I said that I did not not know if there would be even one person to read these pages. And I was deliberately being untrue when I wrote I did not care. It was rather a way to protect myself if the whole thing ended to be a flop. You see, I knew that my few loyal friends over the net would be the first to assist me by honouring me with their attention. But since I knew that it was not possibly enough, not only I hoped but I felt it was crucial that there would be more people than just my friends to discover what was hidden behind this mysterious title. And I was very much concerned about it, simply because that would be for me enough reason to go on...

Now that I am typing this digits on screen I must say I feel relieved. The fast counter at the bottom of this page shows that the visitors of this site have somewhat exceeded the magical nr. 500. A number I could not have hoped for, when I was writing my first welcome sentences of e-NALLAX's homepage... So I have to be thankful; yet I have to be humble and moreover I have be doubtful and fearful like before. Let these 500 visits not to be considered as an achievement of some importance. Let them neither be ignored. In this chaotic network of infinite possibilities, the essential thing to do is to be able to establish your own identity among a great number of people fighting to do the same in every possible way. And gain, -slow and steady, without following the easy path of demonstrating sex, violence or ways to make easy money-, a certain number of people; people who will appreciate your effort and will be by your side as readers and not only as that. Which brings me to one other conclusion. One field e-NALLAX has failed so far is to convince some people to share its well meant lunacy and participate in its creation. But this should not be a reason for discourage. After all nothing important is achieved within so few time.

Without this assistance, progressing and enriching this e-magazine will be slower than anticipated. But there will be progress, be sure of that. In this issue there is this first attempt of adding sound to e-NALLAX, commencing with the songs coming out of our Musical Box, as well as adding links, where readers will be able to find columns and pages of our previous editions. So, those who missed our first edition, who yet do not know who we are and where we are coming from, can check our "Past Tenses" to find out.

Well, since this edition is going public around Christmas, let me wish you the best for these sacred days and let me hope that 2001, which e-NALLAX considers as the 1st year of the new century, is synonymous with success in every level.

Victor Nomikos

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A friendly call

This is e-NALLAX issue Nr. 2. Stick around to enjoy...

- e-NALLAX's unpredictable adjectival identification in our "INITIALS"
- "Fearful Harmony" - An article about the new global threat of the oncoming "Climate Changes", in our "Scheme of Things" column
- A new concept of an Interview with the ever living Mahatma Gandhi...
- Piercing short photographic comments and humorous cartoons in a page where "Every Picture tells a Story"
- An artistic point of view in photography and "The Four Seasons" in the page entitled "Lensesight"
- A wonderful sample of poetic expression in our "VERSES" page, with informative links on 2 famous greek poets.
- Our contribution in your musical delight with "The Musical Box"
- An inspired metaphorical plea for communication in "Pidgeon cage", followed by your comments on our enfant issue.
- The way to be one of us in "See me, feel me" and
- An epilogue connecting you with our short history as an e-magazine in "Past Tenses"
...Plus some very special links...

Win absolutely nothing more than my gratitude! Just let me know you were here and tell everyone in your contact list about this e-magazine, by clicking the pass-it on button at the end of this page!! :)

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