
The Scheme of Things!!
Interview with the A.I.W.
Every Picture Tells a Story!
Pidgeon Cage
See me! Feel me!...
Past Tenses!

Past Tenses!


You may have read that this is e-NALLAX'S enfant edition, but be sure that this magazine is not an "Immaculate conception". It has a past; a previous life, if I may say so. It was edited as a conventional magazine, -with an unconventional way of expressing itself-, in some small corner of the planet for about 2 years, between 1993 and 1995. If you have been patient enough to go through all our pages until here (which are not so many but are considered enough for a start) you deserve an answer to all those riddles, with which we so unscrupulously tortured you in the beginning....

e-NALLAX has its base somewhere in Greece, a country that is more important for the world than what its size might imply. It is the history, the civilization, the climate and the natural beauty that make Greece so distinguished. It is also said that part of that has to do with the country's male population. I will humbly accept it is true. :) (Do not even for one moment think though that greek women lack anything in grace and beauty any more!!). Well, I want to assure you it is far more than that, which makes Greece important.

But my purpose is not to declare my national pride. After all, e-NALLAX is meant to be international. It begins a new difficult course as an e-magazine, a career that might prove long; or not! This is actually up to you! Will you like it? Will you pay... attention to it? Or will you indifferently let it be lost to oblivion? Time will tell... Anyway let me not be pessimistic right from the start. It is not like me!

This page is actually destined to use as an Archive of previous editions and link you to them. I felt that, until such editions do really exist, I had to tell you these few things in a manner more straightforward than the first pages' wordgames.

Once more you are welcome to join e-NALLAX!


PS1: You surely understand how difficult it is to try and express yourself in a language that is not your own. So being not so harsh on e-NALLAX for possible mistakes would be a relief!!
PS2: Enallax is a greek adverb meaning "Alternatively".


PS3: So my dear friends, let me conclude this issue with my so called "Interactive Linking Wizzard", containing some very distinguished Sites you can view. And let me promise that our "Christmas Issue" will be richer and more interesting...


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